About Cosmica

Handmade, with heart

We really care about supporting craftsmanship, we love our job for this too! Ours are not simple accessories created in series by a cold and soulless machine, but objects full of energy, warmth and intention. Creating a jewel by hand really gives it a unique power and aura, which is why our reviews mention the magic we transmit! Always support handwork and you will understand what we are talking about ♥


The silver we use is mostly recycled and RJC certified Fair Trade, in order to reduce mining as much as possible. Even precious and semi-precious stones, when possible, are "zero impact" because they come from unused vintage lots. Furthermore, we have recently started collaborating with a company that creates perfect replicas of the chemical structures of natural gems in the laboratory, giving life to stones that are surreal in their perfection and essential for reducing the impact on the planet.

Your Magic

Each jewel is created with special techniques and energy baths that will make it one of a kind! Once received, it will be your job to keep it with care and give it a special identity. Your precious accessory will accompany you every time you decide to wear it and will be a silent ally for your energy balance. Remember: Silver has a very high conductive capacity and will be able to absorb and release your energy.



The choice of the name "Cosmica" was not troubled or complicated at all, it was almost as if this word had always been there, in a corner of my mind, ready to be used at the right time.

It was enough for me to think about what I wanted to create and here it is, the perfect name for my brand!

“Cosmos” is the Universe, a complex system with its own order and laws, opposite of Chaos.
It's the whole everything.

The name derives precisely from the idea of ​​constant work of the energies that manifest themselves around us, from creation to destruction and rebirth in the universal cycle: an idea arises from our experiences which is translated into material creation, which will make a journey in the hands of someone who will give it an identity and a story, all this will turn into experiences which in turn will give life to new ideas and so on, in a constant cycle that unites us.

Cosmica it's me, Cosmica it's you!

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